Published on September 16, 2004 By Metallical In Skinning
I have noticed that some skins are able to use an image for the "edit box". However, I can't seem to find how to do this in SkinStudio. All I can seem to be able to do is change the border color. how do i go about using an image to skin the "Edit Box"?

Thanks for any help!


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on Sep 16, 2004
Can you give us a link to one or more of the skins that do this?
on Sep 16, 2004
Yes, I surely can. Brushed Panther, by Xero , seems to have an Edit Box with rounded corners on it.

Maybe I am misunderstanding this, is there a way to just turn on some option like "rounded corners"? Or did Xero use an actual image for the Edit Box?

Anyways, thanks!


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[Message Edited]
on Sep 16, 2004
You can edit the background color by adjusting the classic colors in the skin.
on Sep 16, 2004
I see what you're talking about now. The Edit Box is using the Combo Box image. But if you enable the Edit Box Edge Color attribute, it will no longer use the COmbo Box image.
on Sep 17, 2004
Thank you SO much! I really appreciate the help. I didn't think about trying that at all. Now I can keep working on until I hit my next problem...

Thanks again!


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